“A Canine’s Courage: The Ultimate Sacrifice for its Beloved Owners”

Undoubtedly, our furry friends are known for their loyalty and fondness towards their owners. Though the following incident is saddening, the loyal dog involved proved to be a hero by giving up his life to save his loved ones! This touching event occurred in Merauke, Indonesia, where Achy Wijaya woke up one morning to find his dog lying barely alive in the yard. Achy had heard the pooch barking the previous night.

NtdNews reported that Achy was very upset when he discovered that his dog had been intentionally poisoned. On her Facebook page, Achy shared that the dog had continued barking, preventing the robbers from breaking in. However, they later discovered that the dog had been poisoned when they left the house in the morning.

The family in question reported a tragic incident where a group of robbers attempted to break into their home while they were all sleeping. As the intruders made their move, the family dog started barking uncontrollably. However, nobody paid attention to the dog’s warning because they assumed it had found the cat. Unfortunately, the dog stopped barking suddenly, and the family found it in a critical state the next day. The dog’s symptoms included vomiting and excessive frothing, which indicated its condition was severe. Since the family lived in Papua, they faced challenges finding a veterinarian since the nearest doctor only treated cattle. Additionally, the vet’s clinic was closed since it was a Sunday. The family tried to nurse the dog back to health by offering it milk, oil, and coconut milk, but it eventually succumbed to its illness.

As Achy mourned the loss of his heroic dog, who selflessly saved his family, he captured the dog’s final moments on video to honor his pet’s life and remind others to heed their dogs’ barks. The video serves as a tribute to the dog’s bravery and selflessness.

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