Losing sleep because of the “prosperous” beauty of 5 large-breasted female models

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1. Kate Upton: Although she does not have the beautiful slim waist of a model, she is still famous for her plump breasts and sexy face. It can be said that a naturally beautiful bust without surgery is the “money-making” tool of this supermodel born in 1992.

Sleeping with sleep

Kate Upton is 1m78 tall, weighs 64 kg, and has three measurements of 99-71-91.5 (cm).

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Exercising to increase endurance and muscle group strength is an important part of a prosperous beauty’s exercise regimen. Every week she practices 5 days. Every day about 1 hour – 2 hours. She often chooses appropriate weight training exercises so that her arms and legs do not become rough but helps her body become firm.

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Bên cạnh đó, Kate Upton còn được huấn luyện viên yêu cầu chạy trên máy chạy bộ hàng giờ đồng hồ và tập thêm các bài tập bổ sung tập trung vào từng phần trên cơ thể. Cô nâng dần mức tạ theo thời gian tập.

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Kate Upton eats a lot. She eats a lot of protein. When exercising heavily, a protein-rich diet is extremely important. Kate Upton eats a lot of lean meat, nearly 2 ounces of lean meat per meal along with a salad full of vegetables. Kate often eats pan-fried chicken or turkey.

Sleeping with sleep

Khi bắt tay vào quá trình giảm cân, Kate Upton bắt tay vào việc kiêng đường và tuyệt đối không đụng vào đồ ăn chế biến sẵn. Theo huấn luyện viên của cô thì đường và đồ ăn chế biến sẵn nhu đồ hộp có rất nhiều muối nitrat, gây nhiều vấn đề cho sức khỏe và dáng vóc.

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2. Charlotte McKinney: During puberty, the bust of the model born in 1993 grew faster than her peers. This makes “Kate Upton clones” very self-conscious because they are always the subject of ridicule.

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Currently, the girl from Florida, USA has a height of 1m71 with measurements of 86-61-86 (cm). In addition to modeling, she also dabbles in acting.

Sleeping with sleep

Charlotte McKinney thừa nhận mình rất thích tập luyện thể dục: “Tôi như phát điên nếu một ngày không được tập. Thông thường, tôi luôn đến phòng gym tất cả các ngày trong tuần, trừ những lúc công việc bận rộn không cho phép tôi sẽ cố gắng bù đắp vào cuối tuần”.

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Charlotte Mckinney was rejected by many modeling agencies because her bust was too large. She was not allowed to perform on the catwalk but only worked as a photo model. After becoming famous as “Kate Upton copy”, Charlotte Mckinney signed many expensive contracts.

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Charlotte has many similarities with Kate. From shiny blonde hair, sexy eyes, plump lips, large bust, long slim legs. The only difference is that Charlotte has an hourglass shape with a small waist and Kate has an inverted pyramid shape with a full bust.

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3. Kelly Brook: started her career at the age of 16 and became one of the most famous models in the British modeling industry. However, her bust size of 34 D used to be her trouble. Her heavy pair of “twin breasts” caused her to lose time in choosing performance clothes.

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The busty beauty is 1.68m tall with measurements of 99-63-91 (cm), without any plastic surgery. Kelly Brook’s secret to maintaining her perfect measurements is not just through diet or exercise. regular practice. The beauty also revealed that she is more attractive thanks to often “making love”.

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The British model shared: “I do ‘it’ more and more enthusiastically than usual. Just try it. It’s very effective!”

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The beauty believes that “making love” is cardio exercises (exercises that increase heart rate) that help burn fat very well.

Sleeping with sleep

In addition, she regularly walks and has sauna therapy and drinks lots of water to eliminate toxins from her body. Kelly Brook has a habit of going to the spa or doing it at home, which is to exfoliate her whole body, then sit in the steam room every Wednesday and Saturday.

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4. Devin Drugman: Not only is she a model, hot blogger and co-founder of A Bikini a Day, she also has a body and bust that “thousands of people love”. With these advantages, girls wearing bra size 34D are always confident when wearing swimsuits.

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Devin Drugman revealed the secret to the perfect bikini body in an interview: “I always maintain a balanced lifestyle with exercise and a healthy diet. A fruit smoothie or juice goes with it.” Salad is my usual breakfast, in the evening I add meat and vegetables.”

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In addition, she said: “I don’t snack much. If I do, I only drink fresh coconut water and eat fruits or nuts.”

Sleeping with sleep

5. Anna Cheri: Female bodybuilding model with a height of 1m70, weight 52kg, bust size 36D, waist 64cm, butt 91cm. To maintain her hot figure, she follows a diet of many small meals and exercises to burn 100 calories a day.

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Anna Cheri especially notes the habit of chewing slowly when eating so that the stomach absorbs enough nutrients and digests well. Her diet contains lots of fiber, mainly vegetables. She often eats asparagus, broccoli, spinach, cucumbers, carrots, vegetable salad, tomatoes, bell peppers…

Sleeping with sleep

Her meals are balanced as follows: 50% starch, 30% protein and 20% fat. The main sources of protein are chicken, white fish and eggs.

Sleeping with sleep

Anna gave up sugary drinks like soda and carbonated water. Soft drinks, wine, and alcoholic drinks only account for about 25 – 30% of the menu during the year. Female models replace it with fruit juice, lemonade, and mint water to avoid gaining weight.

Sleeping with sleep

She is present almost every day at the gym. The exercises Anna practices the most are: Exercises with rubber balls, exercises with weights and jogging. For each exercise, Anna repeats 2 – 4 sets, each set 15 – 20 times. She also maintains other exercises with machines regularly such as: cable pulling exercises, lifting machine weights, lying down with weights…

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