Meet Annie, The Majestic Tuxedo Cat Princess From Norway

Annie, an absolutely stunning Norwegian Forest cat with mesmerizing jade green eyes and a gloriously regal two-toned coat, caught my attention. I had the pleasure of interviewing her cat dad to feature her on our website, and he graciously agreed. Let’s get to know Annie!

How did Annie enter your life? Julie, the breeder, educated us about the breed and the responsibilities that come with owning a Norwegian Forest cat. We were skeptical at first, but Julie’s descriptions of their characteristics turned out to be accurate. After receiving photos and videos of the litter, we quickly decided that Annie was the perfect addition to our family.

What is her personality like? Annie has a sweet and affectionate personality, always seeking attention and cuddles. She loves to play and explore but is not overly demanding.

Most tuxedo cats are known for their cattitude. How would you rate Annie’s cattitude? Annie is not your typical tuxedo cat – she has a calm and gentle demeanor, never exhibiting any signs of aggression or sassiness.

Does she have any dog or cat housemates at home? No, Annie is currently the only pet in our household.

What’s something special you’d like people to know about Annie? Annie has a unique habit of sucking on her tail while kneading with her front paws. It’s adorable and endearing, and it truly showcases her quirky personality.

Norwegian Forest tuxedo cat

Norwegian Forest tuxedo cat

Do you ever wonder how Annie got her name? Well, let me tell you. Annie was born on November 11th, which is known as Remembrance Day. Together with four other sisters, they were welcomed into the world. Sadly, one of her siblings didn’t make it and passed away within 48 hours. To honor the date of their birth, the breeder named the remaining kittens after famous war-time singers. Annie’s full name is Forestfriend Annie, named after Ann Shelton. Her sisters were also given unique names such as Forestfriend Dame Vera, Forestfriend Gracie, and Forestfriend Poppy. Now you know how Annie and her sisters received their interesting and meaningful names.

Norwegian Forest tuxedo cat

Norwegian Forest tuxedo cat

Can you describe her personality?
Annie, a Norwegian Forest Cat, possesses exceptional intelligence as she can follow commands and walk around the garden with a lead harness. She happily brings toys to play and cuddles on the bed every night making her a very affectionate companion. Her playful nature is truly impressive, and she enjoys being included in every activity. In fact, Annie even stayed by her owner’s side when they were ill with meningitis pneumonia. Although her brother Boris, a domestic short-haired cat, has the freedom to roam outside, Annie patiently waits for him at the window until he is ready to come back indoors. Without a doubt, Annie is the most delightful feline we have known, bringing us joy every day.

Norwegian Forest tuxedo cat

Norwegian Forest tuxedo cat

The majority of tuxedo cats are known for their cattitude, but how would you rate Annie’s demeanor? Annie definitely has an attitude, as she tends to look down her nose at people and walks with a bit of a swagger. She seems to believe that she is in charge of the house, but we all know the truth – even Boris, our 14-year-old cat, who lets her think that she’s in charge anyway.

At just 18 months old, Annie is already as large and heavy as Boris, weighing in at over 6kg. She likes to try and jump on or over Boris to show off her energy, but he’s completely unfazed by her antics. Despite her bossy personality, Annie loves to play with her toys and is happy to share them with us.

One of Annie’s favorite pastimes is chasing flies around the house. She’ll follow them for ages, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. She also likes to sit and “chat” with birds through the window, though we can only guess as to what she’s saying to them.

Annie also has daily “zoomie” sessions where she runs around the house like a wild thing, but they usually end abruptly and she curls up in a cat bed, looking innocent as can be. We’re left wondering what all the fuss was about.

In addition to her humans, Annie shares her home with Boris, her 14-year-old domestic short hair black and white tuxedo cat brother who happens to be diabetic.

Norwegian Forest tuxedo cat

Norwegian Forest tuxedo cat

Do you want to know something special about Annie? Well, her birth was quite eventful. Annie and her sisters were delivered by cesarean section because their mother, Forestfriend Buffy, had complications during pregnancy. However, sadly, Buffy passed away just two days later due to a mistake made by the veterinary surgeon. Thankfully, Julie, Annie’s owner, found another mother cat who had given birth a week earlier and took Annie and her sisters in as her own babies. They received the best care and love possible and are now healthy and beautiful 17-month-old cats.

Annie is a lovely cat with a particular fondness for grooming. She adores being brushed and will lay contentedly on her owner’s lap, purring loudly while having her chest and belly brushed.

In her first year, Annie has been participating in TICA shows and has already gained numerous titles. Julie has recently started showing Annie in Loving Cats World Wide (LCWW) competitions and is excited to see how she progresses.

Norwegian Forest tuxedo cat

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