Rescuing a Furry Friend: An American Soldier’s Mission to Save an Adorable Pup in the Middle East

Various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Pinterest, Reddit, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, and Pocket were used to spread awareness about a U.S. soldier’s plea for assistance in bringing his tiny rescue puppy, CJ, from the Middle East to America. The U.S. Army Sgt. Macintire, who has deployed overseas 15 times, is seeking help from the public and the Paws of War nonprofit organization to safely transport the adorable puppy to his family in Utah. Robert Misseri, co-founder of Paws of War, revealed that the pup’s rescue mission requires additional funding before all steps can be completed. The group also disclosed how close to death the puppy was before being rescued. Misseri promised that they would do everything possible not to let Sgt. Macintire and his family down but acknowledged that the mission and the transport of the animal would be very expensive.

According to Paws of War staff who spoke with Fox News Digital, rescuing little CJ was a challenging mission at the beginning. The puppy had several health issues, including dehydration and potential poisoning, which put her chances of survival in doubt. She received IV treatments for a week, but initially did not respond well to them. However, after five days, the puppy turned a corner and began to recover. The Paws of War organization remained in communication with CJ’s owner, Sergeant Macintire, and his family throughout the rescue and rehabilitation process. Many soldiers on the base also waited eagerly for updates as they had grown attached to the little pup, who held a special place in Macintire’s heart. The sergeant first encountered CJ while on patrol and continued to visit her family, hoping to win over the protective father dog named Cooper, while grieving the loss of his own Great Dane back home. Once funding is collected, CJ has been given clearance to fly to the U.S.

Cooper eventually accepted Macintire’s offer of food and water, and even allowed the soldiers to play with his litter of puppies. Unfortunately, one day the dogs went missing and after a search, Cooper’s lifeless body was found alongside a sick and frightened puppy. The soldiers named the pup CJ, short for Cooper Jr., and made it their mission to care for her. With the help of Paws of War, a non-profit organization that provides medical attention and safe passage for animals in war-torn regions, the sergeant adopted CJ and ensured she received the care she needed. He wanted to show her a life different from what her father had endured, explaining that the dogs had been mistreated by some humans and were struggling to survive in the harsh desert conditions. However, transporting a dog out of the Middle East is a complex process with significant costs involved, as detailed by Robert Misseri of Paws of War.

According to the co-founder of Paws of War, their current objective is to gather all the necessary funds for their mission. He is optimistic that they will be able to do so. Their ultimate goal is to have CJ, the puppy, in Utah to welcome the sergeant once he comes back from deployment. The initial step is to bring CJ to Macintire’s wife, six kids, and granddaughter. Macintire is eager to have CJ accompany him during his daily hikes in Utah. He looks forward to the happiness that CJ will bring him. The good news is CJ has been cleared to fly to the U.S. once they have collected enough funding. Macintire’s family is thrilled, and his kids even prepared for CJ’s arrival by ensuring that their yard has no holes in the fence. The mission is not without challenges; they also need to secure flight clearance and send Paws of War personnel to remote locations for pickups, among other things.

According to Misseri, the first step after adopting a puppy is to take them to a veterinarian, even if the nearest one is located up to 500 miles away. This is because veterinarians are not as prevalent in other countries as they are in America, where they are more commonplace. In some places, dogs are not considered common pets, which means there aren’t many veterinarians or supplies available. Despite these obstacles, Paws of War remains motivated by their mission to prevent American soldiers from having to leave their pets behind involuntarily.

According to Misseri, the chances of puppies’ survival in the Middle East are minimal, making it a cruel experience for soldiers to abandon them.

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