See a series of photos from childhood to adulthood of Angelina Jolie

As a famous and mature mother, active in charity activities, Angelina Jolie was also a beautiful girl with a rustic appearance and wild personality.

Angelina Jolie was born on June 4, 1975 in Los Angeles – California. During her childhood years, Angielina began to clearly demonstrate the acting talent inherited from her parents. Angelina’s father is actor Jon Voight, who won a famous Oscar, and her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, is also a famous dramatic actress in the US.

It’s no wonder that from a young age, Angelina had outstanding beauty. While in school, she soon became one of the school’s hot girls and was pursued by many boys. Angelina’s image back then was not as brilliant and luxurious as it is now, but brought sophistication, simplicity, and rusticity. Many people believe that Angelina Jolie is definitely the beauty symbol of Hollywood.

See a series of photos from childhood to adulthood of Angelina Jolie 1

See a series of photos from childhood to adulthood of Angelina Jolie 2

Born into a family with an artistic tradition, Angelina Jolie has been very adorable since she was a little girl

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Jolie’s photo appeared with her famous father. Born into a powerful and famous family, she did not feel happy like many of her peers.

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Little Angelina in her childhood

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See a series of photos from childhood to adulthood of Angelina Jolie 6

After her parents separated, Angelina moved back to live with her father, but John Voight was busy all day with work and filming trips away from home. Although Angelina is always beautiful when she appears, she carries sadness from her childhood

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Jolie took photos with her classmates. She showed her personality early in high school

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See a series of photos from childhood to adulthood of Angelina Jolie 9

At the age of 14, Angelina Jolie is as beautiful as any other star even without makeup.

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Originally vain and psychologically traumatized due to family breakdowns, Angelina became mature and loved to destroy things. The psychological trauma of adolescence made her become unstable and that was also the reason why she openly moved in with her boyfriend as a way to overcome the pain on her own.

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See a series of photos from childhood to adulthood of Angelina Jolie 12

Angelina Jolie’s wild beauty

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During her time as a model and starting her career as an actress, Angelina Jolie led a bohemian and destructive life. Famous reporter Ian Halperin described Angelina’s sex life at that time as not simple, her actions also difficult to control.

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See a series of photos from childhood to adulthood of Angelina Jolie 15

Angelina Jolie is becoming more and more beautiful, hotter and more mature. She is active in charity activities

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See a series of photos from childhood to adulthood of Angelina Jolie 17

See a series of photos from childhood to adulthood of Angelina Jolie 18

In just under a month, Angelina Jolie will officially turn 39 years old. She is a symbol of the American film industry: beautiful, talented and virtuous. Angelina appears frequently in newspapers, but not with extravagant stories. She is active in charity activities and takes care of her small family

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